8 Fresh Country Club Food and Beverage Ideas


No one has to tell you that country club management faces new challenges every year. Whether you direct general operations or oversee food and beverage, the dining room is still one of your best assets for keeping country club members happy. We offer these eight ideas to incorporate into your plans for upgrading membership experience and growing new revenue.

1. Market To Changing Demographics

The Baby Boomers who traditionally fill country club dining rooms are sharing tables with younger members. Market to evolving demographics across the board by staying in touch with your club’s membership and tracking generational trends in food and drink.

2. Embrace Back Of House Technology

Hold down costs and up efficiency by tossing paperwork and replacing it with digital solutions. Some of the easiest country club restaurant ideas consolidate computerized accounting with smart back of house apps. You can track purchasing, manage inventories and organize schedules.

3. Ease Into The Tablet Revolution

They’re hip enough for the clubhouse bar. Are they a little too contemporary for the dining room? Tablet menus are tempting upgrades for front of house operations, but think before you buy in. Take a careful look at the pros and cons before you invest.

4. Jump On Social Media

This technology doesn’t represent dollars spent on extra equipment, but it gives you an invaluable connection with membership. Boomers and Millennials are all tuned in, so give them a club portal for reservations, menu previews and special announcements.

5. Expand Culinary Borders

Put those social channels into action by announcing menu expansions that embrace ethnic recipes. Display the kitchen’s culinary talent with contemporary twists on favorite classics, keep membership interested with media savvy reach, and satisfy appetites with creative dishes.

6. Cater To Healthy Tastes

roasted purple brussels sprouts

Your country club members still want their rib eyes and lobster tails, but they’ve come to really love their vegetables too. Offer elegant entrees with sides of roasted Brussels sprouts or stuffed artichoke hearts, and enjoy dining compliments sent back to the kitchen.

7. Go Green Off The Plate

While this strategy doesn’t cater to discerning palates, it still impresses membership with your commitment to eco-friendly practices front and back of house. Implement kitchen-wide recycling, switch to LED lighting, and set tables with natural fabrics.

8. Put A Star In The Kitchen

You don’t have to hire an international name to impress members. Get the word out locally that you want to put a star in the kitchen, and bring a chef on board who shares your enthusiasm for innovation. A new face can add a welcome shine into a country club’s dining room.


We’re constantly tracking trends and analyzing markets across the food service industry, and we enjoy sharing that information with you. As one of the nation’s leading produce suppliers, Hitchcock Farms delivers fresh ideas and premium vegetables every day. It’s always our pleasure to serve you with our best.

About the Author: Dan Holt

Dan Holt is an experienced produce professional who started in the industry as a quality assurance inspector in the early 1990s and leads sales at Hitchcock Farms as Vice President. Prior to joining Hitchcock Farms in 2019, Dan enjoyed success in organic, specialty and conventional produce and with independent operators, regional and national chains in North America and abroad. Dan continues his passion in produce through collaborative inspiration and promoting healthy and sustainable food and experiences.