15 Surprising Nutritional Benefits of Romaine Lettuce

What could possibly be fascinating about romaine lettuce?

For anyone interested in good health, this salad mainstay offers plenty to ponder.

While it may not get the attention that avocados, pomegranates, kale, goji berries and other popular superfoods receive, it’s certainly no slouch in the nutrition department.

Romaine receives very high marks for delivering an array of important health benefits.

Its versatility in the kitchen continues to evolve and impress. From crunchy leaves to its crispy heart, the delicious lettuce deserves a closer look.

Let's start with an overview of the amazing nutritional value of romaine lettuce. Get ready for 15 healthy surprises.

Nutritional Benefits of Romaine Lettuce


1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

If you aren’t a fan of oily fish, turn to romaine for a helping of this natural anti-inflammatory.

The antioxidant boosts immune systems and keeps hearts healthy.

Each head of romaine lettuce contains nearly 45% of the recommended daily allowance.

2. Protein

Protein is vital in losing weight, building muscle and supporting a healthy cardiovascular system, and romaine lettuce offers nearly 8 grams in each head.

It's also a tasty option for anyone considering alternatives to animal proteins.

3. Calcium

If dairy doesn’t do it for you, romaine lettuce is an excellent way to get the calcium your body needs for strong bones and teeth.

It helps maintains healthy muscles and hearts too. Each head contains more than 20% of the RDA.

4. Vitamin C

Widely recognized for its ability to support the immune system, vitamin C also provides a welcome boost for the skin, bones and teeth.

Every bite of the crunchy lettuce helps maintain skin elasticity, and that's a look we can all appreciate. Just one ounce of romaine delivers more than 10% of the RDA.

5. Iron

romaine lettuce salad

Pumping iron into your system is easy with romaine.

Each 2-cup serving contains 5% of the RDA of this vital mineral, making it useful in warding off anemia and other health issues.

The iron in romaine also supports healthy energy levels and regulates body temperature.

6. Folate

Romaine lettuce provides allergy sufferers with a potent weapon.

Romaine is packed with folate, offering 213% of the RDA in each head, and studies have shown that people with low levels of B-9 vitamin are roughly 30% more likely to battle allergies.

7. Fiber

Two cups of romaine provides nearly 10% of the RDA of fiber.

That means munching on it will keep you feeling full and encourage regularity.

The fiber in romaine helps control cholesterol levels, and that lowers the risk of heart disease.

8. Vitamin K

Anyone interested in protecting their arteries will want to add some romaine hearts to their plate.

With 535% of the RDA in each head, romaine dishes up healthy servings of vitamin K, which is thought to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis by preventing calcium buildup in the arteries.

9. Vitamin A

Chowing down on romaine lettuce delivers a significant supply of vitamin A, which helps maintain your eyesight.

Its antioxidant properties also defend cells against the negative effects of free radicals. Just two ounces of romaine provides close to 100% RDA of vitamin A

10. Potassium

One head of romaine lettuce provides one-third of the RDA of potassium, a mineral that can help control blood pressure and protect the kidneys.

The potassium in romaine helps your body process protein and carbohydrates.

11. Manganese

Manganese doesn’t get a lot of publicity, but studies have shown this mineral helps to protect the skin from sun damage, aids in collagen production and neutralizes dangerous free radicals.

A head of romaine contains more than 40% of the RDA of manganese.

12. Magnesium

If you’re troubled by migraines, a few romaine lettuce hearts may be just what the doctor ordered.

Many migraine sufferers have low levels of magnesium; upping their intake can reduce the frequency of their headaches.

A single head of romaine offers 22% of the RDA of magnesium.

13. Copper

romaine lettuce nutritional benefits

Copper is crucial for boosting energy levels, and a single serving of romaine offers 6% of the RDA of this valuable mineral.

Copper also promotes bone health, which is especially important for individuals dealing with osteoporosis.

14. Glycemic Index

Like many products of vegetable farms, romaine lettuce has a very low glycemic index value.

Diets dominated by foods with low glycemic index values are associated with a decreased risk of certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, depression and other serious health problems.

15. Water

A head of romaine lettuce comes packed with roughly 20 ounces of water. This means eating romaine is a great way to stay hydrated.

It can help regulate your temperature, keep joints flexible and even provide spinal cord protection.

What Is Romaine Lettuce?

With a tall head and sturdy leaves, romaine lettuce stands out from other members of the Asteraceae plant family.

It shares its scientific name, Lactuca sativa, with a variety of popular salad greens, but romaine is especially prized for its crunchy center.

The crispy, compact romaine heart has a slightly sweet flavor that makes it a classic in salad recipes.

Romaine is available in produce aisles year-round as whole lettuce heads or hearts of romaine.

Its culinary versatility keeps it high on the list of favorite vegetables with home chefs and foodservice professionals.

5 Romaine Lettuce Health Benefits


Now that we know how nutritious and delicious it is, let's dig into a few more surprising details about the crunchy vegetable. Consider these five health benefits of romaine lettuce that come with every serving.

1. Healthy Bones

When you sit down with a fresh romaine salad, you're doing your bones a favor.

An average 70 gram serving supplies 24.5 milligrams of phosphorus, and that keeps adult bones healthy.

It helps young bones grow strong, and it's important to older individuals with osteoporosis.

2. Strong Muscles

Working out at the gym keeps you in great shape, but romaine lettuce builds strong muscles too.

The leafy veggie is an excellent source of protein so important for muscle health.

Current studies indicate that plant protein is just as effective for muscle development as animal protein.

3. Improved Digestion

A healthy digestive system is vital for processing the nutrients that keep our bodies in good shape.

Romaine lettuce does its part with plant fiber that helps improve digestion. That makes it easier to absorb the vitamins and minerals that belong in our diets on a daily basis.

4. Lower Blood Pressure

Romaine lettuce is one of several leafy greens that supply essential nitrate for heart health.

Every serving also delivers a powerful combination of beta-carotene and vitamin C that prevents cholesterol build-up.

Add romaine's folic acid and potassium, and you have a recipe for healthy hearts and lower blood pressure.

5. Nutritious Dieting Options

Whether you're dieting to improve your health or lose a few pounds, romaine makes menu planning easier.

It's an ideal choice, weighing in at just 8 calories per shredded cup. This healthy dieting option is low-cal, low-carb and low-fat.

7 Healthy & Delicious Recipes with Romaine Lettuce


By now, you've probably worked up an appetite for a healthy serving of crispy Lactuca sativa.

We're happy to satisfy that craving with seven of our favorite romaine lettuce recipes.

1. Stuffed Romaine Spears

Crispy romaine lettuce is a surprisingly good fit for creating finger foods that earn compliments to the chef.

We suggest stuffing its small inner leaves with a sweet and savory chicken curry salad.

2. Bite-Sized Caesar Salad

Reimagine the classic Caesar salad as an irresistible appetizer.

Simply dish up the ingredients in individual romaine leaves, and share with friends as a snack or pre-dinner hors d'oeuvres.

3. Refreshing Fattoush Salad

fattoush salad

Add Mediterranean accents to your next healthy meal with a satisfying fattoush salad.

Take the traditional dish to another level by tossing it with freshly chopped romaine lettuce.

4. Open Leaf Apple Salad

romaine and apple salad

This recipe is another example of how well romaine halves serve up a beautiful salad.

The lettuce creates an edible base for chopped apples, walnuts and chives tossed with blue cheese dressing.

5. Simply Perfect Grilled Hearts

Let guests think you spent more than a few minutes grilling up romaine hearts to perfection. From prep to finish, the simple recipe is ready for serving and wowing everyone at the table in just 10 minutes.

6. Grilled Steak and Romaine

Elevate your best Caesar salad to entree level by pairing it with your best grilled steak.

A satisfying steak and salad combo is a perfect way to enjoy a guilt-free meal filled with healthy ingredients.

7. Healthy Shrimp Salad Wraps

Impress friends and family with the flavors of marinated shrimp wrapped in romaine lettuce leaves.

This recipe gets bonus points for picture-perfect presentation and the addition of homemade sweet potato chips.

Healthy Surprises From Our Fields to Your Table

Thanks to the efforts of California vegetable growers like Hitchcock Farms, you can enjoy romaine lettuce all year long.

Headquartered in the heart of the Salinas Valley, our company was born when several established farming families teamed up to grow and ship high-quality fresh produce to buyers throughout the United States and Canada.

With more than a quarter of a century of success under our belts, we now provide an assortment of fresh products, including romaine hearts, baby iceberg lettuce and Brussels sprouts.

It's always our pleasure to share nutritious facts about our premium produce. We enjoy adding great recipes to menus too, at home and at restaurants.

Check back with us soon for more healthy surprises from our fields to your table.

About the Author: Dan Holt

Dan Holt is an experienced produce professional who started in the industry as a quality assurance inspector in the early 1990s and leads sales at Hitchcock Farms as Vice President. Prior to joining Hitchcock Farms in 2019, Dan enjoyed success in organic, specialty and conventional produce and with independent operators, regional and national chains in North America and abroad. Dan continues his passion in produce through collaborative inspiration and promoting healthy and sustainable food and experiences.