How to Wash, Prep and Store Romaine Hearts

When you're shopping for premium romaine lettuce, you look for dark green outer leaves. Firm heads that feel heavy for their size are always a good choice.

How do you make the most of that unique crunchy core? Start with a good wash that helps preserve the veggie's crisp texture. Prep it like a pro, and store it properly to extend freshness.

Read on, and learn how easy it is to treat romaine hearts with the care they deserve.

Do Romaine Hearts Need to Be Washed?

Yes, romaine hearts need to be washed before you store them in the fridge or prep them for a nutritious meal.

This holds true for all fresh produce and for several important reasons.

  • Unwashed vegetables can be a source of bacteria that causes food-borne illness.

  • That risk increases with produce that's eaten uncooked, including lettuce.

  • Washing romaine rinses away any tiny insects that might be hidden in leaf crevices.

  • Bagged produce should always be washed as an additional precaution.

  • Fresh romaine hearts last longer after they've been properly washed.

How to Wash Romaine Hearts: 5 Simple Steps

How to Wash Romaine Hearts: 5 Simple Steps

Many produce growers offer romaine hearts pre-trimmed and packaged. It's a timesaving convenience enjoyed by home chefs and foodservice professionals.

While working with a whole head of lettuce gives you greater yield than trimmed hearts, both should always be washed before prep and storage.

Let's focus on the hearts. Whether you bring them home packaged or do the trimming yourself, clean romaine hearts by following these five easy steps.

1. Remove and Wash Outer Leaves

If you're working with whole romaine lettuce, pull outer leaves away from the head, and snap off at the root base. Rinse, dry and store in the refrigerator for later use.

2. Inspect the Romaine Hearts

Before washing, inspect each heart by gently fanning through its leaves. A close look should reveal pale green interiors, free of blemishes, dirt and insects.

3. Clean Hearts With a Cold Wash

Immerse each heart into a large bowl of cold water. Turn the heart over several times while swishing it back and forth. Let it rest for a few minutes, and then repeat the process.

Insider Tip: The cold water bath helps fresh romaine hearts preserve their crisp texture.

4. Drain and Inspect the Hearts

Arrange the hearts in a colander, making sure they're angled so that root ends are elevated.

Let them sit for half an hour. As they drain, give each heart several shakes to loosen up residual water.

5. Let the Romaine Hearts Dry

Lay the hearts out on paper towels with root ends angled upwards. Give them another half hour to dry, but check before storing.

Otherwise, leftover moisture can affect their prized crispness.

Insider Tip: Speed up drying time by placing the hearts on wire cookie cooling racks. Be sure to elevate root ends.

How to Slice Romaine Hearts

How to Slice Romaine Hearts

Now, you're ready for a little creative prepping. You'll need a sharp knife, a good cutting board and the right technique. Start by cutting off the root end.

Slice romaine hearts like a professional chef with one of these three methods.

1. Chop or Quarter Hearts for Salads

Romaine hearts add special crunch to salads. Simply rough chop the hearts into bite-sized pieces. Toss with traditional greens, or reimagine a Mediterranean salad.

For Caesar salads, slice the hearts lengthwise into quarters before trimming off the root end. Each quarter serves as a perfect base for your favorite version of the iconic salad.

2. Top Burgers With a Chiffonade

Upgrade up classic burgers with a healthy topping of romaine heart chiffonade. This slicing technique makes the most of the hearts by producing an impressively high yield.

Slice hearts in half, and separate the leaves. Stack them from large to small, roll up the bundle, and hold firmly. Using a sharp knife, cut across the roll so that each stroke produces thin ribbon-like shreds.

3. Add Extra Crunch to Tacos

Romaine hearts add an extra crunch to soft and fried tacos with two simple slicing options: rough-chopped bites or a chiffonade.

Either way, crispy hearts complement the complex textures and spicy flavors of all types of tacos.

How to Store Cut Romaine Hearts

How to Store Cut Romaine Hearts

You might want to pre-slice romaine hearts for a later meal. Perhaps you prepped more than you needed.

As long as the hearts are stored properly, they should stay fresh in the fridge for seven to ten days.

Follow these easy storage tips for sliced romaine hearts.

  • Place damp paper towels between hearts before storing.

  • Always seal in airtight containers or zipper bags.

  • If possible, keep romaine hearts in the refrigerator crisper drawer.

  • If the drawer isn't an option, store them on the lowest refrigerator shelf.

Helping You Get the Most From Premium Produce

We enjoy helping you get the most from all the premium produce you bring home. We're proud to exchange ideas with home chefs and foodservice professionals across the country.

From purchasing tips to creative recipes, keep us on your list of favorite sources for culinary inspiration.

When you want the latest information about the freshest produce available, just check with us here at Hitchcock Farms. Our team is always happy to be at your service.


About the Author: Dan Holt

Dan Holt is an experienced produce professional who started in the industry as a quality assurance inspector in the early 1990s and leads sales at Hitchcock Farms as Vice President. Prior to joining Hitchcock Farms in 2019, Dan enjoyed success in organic, specialty and conventional produce and with independent operators, regional and national chains in North America and abroad. Dan continues his passion in produce through collaborative inspiration and promoting healthy and sustainable food and experiences.