11 Incredible Napa Cabbage Health Benefits

Delicious napa cabbage was originally cultivated in Asian countries, so it’s sometimes referred to as Chinese cabbage. 

We know it better as napa cabbage, and we also know its name is a form of the Japanese word for vegetable leaves.

Napa cabbage health benefits give the leafy vegetable a very nutritious profile. 

Its subtle, sweet flavor makes the cabbage a favorite in home and restaurant kitchens.

This is a vegetable that brings it all to the table with great taste.

Here’s why.

11 Amazing Facts About Napa Cabbage Nutrition

With only 20 calories per cup and no cholesterol, napa cabbage boasts a long list of vitamins and minerals. 

Depending on how napa cabbage is cooked, its nutritional numbers stay strong.

The next time you enjoy it raw, pickled or steamed, make the experience even better. 

Think about all the high DVs of essential nutrients in 1 cup of napa cabbage.

1. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is one of the few vitamins that our bodies can't produce, but it's essential to a healthy metabolism. 

One cup of napa provides 18% DV of this important nutrient that helps build red blood cells, strengthens neurotransmitters and reduces chronic disease.

2. Vitamin B9

Napa cabbage contains high levels of vitamin B9. Just 1 cup delivers 11.75% DV of this important folate

One healthy serving of napa cabbage has a positive effect on your heart, circulatory system and red blood cells.

3. Additional B Vitamins

The list of napa cabbage benefits includes an outstanding lineup of additional nutrients. 

Every serving is an opportunity to boost your health with these complex B vitamins.

• Riboflavin
• Pantothenic acid
• Thiamin

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for maintaining good health. 

Napa cabbage is a great source for this antioxidant that improves iron absorption and helps prevent iron deficiencies. 

Vitamin C also boosts immunity by encouraging white blood cell production.

5. Vitamin K

Strong bones and healthy blood calcium levels are just a few of the benefits delivered by the vitamin K in napa cabbage. 

The nutrient is essential to producing prothrombin, a protein necessary for healthy bone metabolism.

6. Copper

purple napa cabbage

One cup of copper-rich napa cabbage serves up 11.67% DV of this brain-friendly mineral. 

Copper keeps neural pathways in top shape, facilitates nerve development and enhances high-level mental activities.

7. Iron

Weighing in with an iron DV of 10.13%, napa cabbage is an excellent source of the mineral. 

It keeps red blood cells healthy so that they can do their job delivering oxygen throughout your body.

8. Calcium

Every cup of napa cabbage provides 8% DV of calcium. The mineral keeps bones and muscles strong. 

Bodies don’t naturally produce calcium, so the cabbage plays a vital role in replenishing this essential mineral.

9. Manganese

Manganese is a another mineral found in napa cabbage, and it’s also one of the body’s most important antioxidants. 

A 1-cup serving of napa cabbage recharges your system with 9.61% DV of manganese that helps protect against dangerous free radicals and cellular damage.

10. Additional Antioxidants

In addition to manganese, napa cabbage is packed with extra antioxidants. 

These plant compounds are believed to reduce levels of bad cholesterol and protect the body against cancer.

• Isothiocyanates
• Lutein
• Thiocyanates
• Zeaxanthin

11. Dietary Fiber

Napa cabbage is a great source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Both are essential for maintaining digestive health. 

Together, the nutrients help lower cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar.

Raw Napa Cabbage and Cooked Napa Cabbage: A Nutritional Comparison


Raw napa cabbage puts a mild, peppery crunch into salads. Napa chiffonades create crispy toppings for burgers, and the leaves add extra texture to your favorite wraps.

Cooked napa cabbage stars in traditional kimchi dishes and the latest stir-fry recipes, and in so many other delicious recipes.

It's a beloved staple in Southern casseroles, and pairs perfectly with slow-simmered corn beef.

Raw and cooked napa are appreciated by home and professional chefs, but which is considered the healthier choice?

Like most uncooked leafy vegetables, one cup of raw napa cabbage contains impressive levels of vitamins and minerals, including:

• 26% DV vitamin A

• 16% DV vitamin C

• 50 mg calcium

However, cooked napa cabbage still serves a strong lineup of essential nutrients. One cup fills your plate with:

• 4% DV protein

• 10% DV fiber

• 32 mg calcium

There are differences between the nutritional profiles of raw and cooked napa. 

Still, the overall variations aren't considered significant enough to make one a better choice than the other.

Registered dietitians stress that, raw or cooked, leafy vegetables are an invaluable part of a healthy lifestyle.

Trending Now: Napa Cabbage on Restaurant Menus

napa cabbage salad

Cabbage isn’t the newest vegetable on the block, but it scores very high marks with customers who want a healthy experience dining out

It’s also getting a lot of positive industry attention right now.

Chefs across the country are applying their culinary creativity to napa cabbage and developing unique dishes. 

Wraps, slaws, salads and kimchi are just a few examples of how well this versatile vegetable fits in commercial kitchens.

From San Francisco to New York City, the flavors and nutritious benefits of napa cabbage are trending strong and enjoying a growing appreciation from health-conscious consumers.

Keeping Your Foodservice News Fresh

Working with our trusted partners, we’re proud to supply the very best napa cabbage and napa cabbage hearts available to foodservice operations across the USA and Canada.

We enjoy sharing detailed nutritional profiles and the latest industry trends, so check in with us on a regular basis. 

You can always depend on Hitchcock Farms to keep you updated with the freshest foodservice news.


Is napa cabbage better for you than regular cabbage?

Both are excellent sources of important vitamins and minerals. Regular cabbage contains more calcium, zinc and potassium than napa, but napa cabbage contains higher levels of vitamins A, B3, iron and copper. Napa is also lower in sodium than regular cabbage.

Do you eat napa cabbage raw or cooked?

You can enjoy crunchy napa cabbage raw in salads, as a sandwich topping and as healthy wraps. The leafy vegetable is also a mainstay in stir-fries, soups, stews and casseroles. Napa is a great choice for pickling too.

Should you wash napa cabbage?

Don't wash fresh napa cabbage before you're ready to use it. Instead, wrap it in plastic, and store it in the refrigerator. As long as napa is properly chilled, the premium cabbage should last for several weeks.

About the Author: Dan Holt

Dan Holt is an experienced produce professional who started in the industry as a quality assurance inspector in the early 1990s and leads sales at Hitchcock Farms as Vice President. Prior to joining Hitchcock Farms in 2019, Dan enjoyed success in organic, specialty and conventional produce and with independent operators, regional and national chains in North America and abroad. Dan continues his passion in produce through collaborative inspiration and promoting healthy and sustainable food and experiences.